Sunday, September 8, 2013

Day 3: Unplug it!

For some of you this may just be a reminder. For some it may be new! Some may already know this and do this. Some like me, need to learn that it's a must to take a day off!

Do you take the time to unplug? I questioned the Lord what He wanted me to write about, and He said to tell you what I did yesterday.

I woke up early and made coffee. With the house quiet and everyone still sleeping, I immediately started working on my writing co-op paper work, my volunteer forms, and a business letter. By 10:00 my brain was mush, but I realized I just accomplished a great deal of paper work in just a few hours. Yay Me!

I set about the house doing small chores and then it hit me! IT WAS SATURDAY! WHAT WAS I DOING?

I usually am relaxing on Saturdays, sleeping in, or planning something to do with the family. But on this Saturday, I woke up with the feeling of, " I gotta do this,.... I gotta do that.....what am I to do about this?" All of these "to do" things, felt heavy. I distinctly heard the Lord tell me to UNPLUG IT! Unplug what? Unplug myself!  I sat on the couch wrestling with the idea.

When my youngest son woke up, he asked if we could watch an episode of our favorite tv show together. I agreed, grabbed a blanket, and we watched an episode..... all the while chewing on my lip. Feeling pressure.... TO DO! (SOMETHING)

How often do we keep going and going and going. Never unplugging, never relaxing the mind! I found myself guilty. So I'm sharing the advice the Lord gave me yesterday! On the road to our dreams, we have to have regular and weekly UNPLUGGING! Life is full of BUSY, but we are to be full of Christ! The more we stay busy, the less light we put out for JESUS!

The bible directs us to unplug at least once a week! As we do this, we will be able to accomplish MORE and SHINE BRIGHTER than we did before.

Make sure you take time for yourself....and UNPLUG IT! I'm adding this to my schedule! I'm so guilty of my calendar being full, that I need to make this a priority. UNPLUG IT DAYS! Do you have them? If not.... make room for them! We'll get to our dreams faster and healthier by just taking a day regularly to UNPLUG!

This is the road I should walk! Walk with me!

Hope your enjoying my blog!

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